It’s been a long time…since I did a style post…. and this one is all about women’s bikinis (aka swimmies).
But WE HERE and Summer is here too just heating up the place. I mean make up melting, changing deodorant type of heat but none the less- favorite season of the year.
Also my birthday is right around the corner and it’s swimmie season so only GREAT THINGS I’m foreseeing for the summer time especially all the bikinis I’m contemplating on wearing…
I feel like the older I get the more I worry about what I wear to reflect my age. Not saying that I don’t love a good women’s bikini and a sexy one at that–but I feel like someone always has something to say. But I’m also learning that life is short and in its’ brevity there’s so many shifts and changes that you should definitely live your BEST life regardless of the made up opinions in your head and in real life.
This beautiful seamless teal/deep blue women’s bikini was made by the super talented Crystal (my sister) and it fit me like a glove. I loved the simplicity of the cuts because while it made me feel sexy; it also made me feel a bit sophisticated/grown up and almost mermaid like as I attempted to float peacefully in the pool (ha).
Women’s Bikini | (.Xuma) by #CrysM | find it here.
So here’s to summer swimmin’, more women’s bikinis and more STYLE/life/vexations posts.
Much love,