You know as overwhelming as it can be… it’s not rocket science.
& I know we’re BUSY…busy with school, kids, a second job, running your own business, dealing with relationships, supporting yourself, supporting others… basically doing it all and trying to stay sane all at the same time.
Forget about the complicated routines, the influx of waist trainers, diet teas, magic pills etc. I know the title of this blog is 3 Reasons Why You’re Not Really Seeing Results (I’m gonna break those down anyway) but in truth, there’s only ONE really real reason you’re not.
Yes you.
If you do the work, you will see the results. There’s so many fads and trends surrounding fitness and living a healthy lifestyle and while those can be motivating and exciting in the moment; one fact remains…
YOU have to start, YOU have to get up, YOU have to push through, YOU have to do the work and then YOU WILL see the results. Will it happen over night? No. It takes patience, it takes commitment, it takes tears, giving up some days, re-starting, not feeling your best, not seeing results, hating the process… but doing the WORK anyway. #issalifestyle hashtag me so I know it’s really real
Now let’s break this down:
Here’s the break down of why you aren’t REALLY seeing results.
1. Lack of PreparedNess
2. Inconsistency
3. Feelings
So I felt obligated to talk on this subject and explain to ya’ll how I conquered these three specific things and really started seeing results in my fitness journey. If you suffer for any of the above, press play and I hope you find this encouraging. If you’re tired of feeling unprepared, inconsistent and just can’t get out of your feelings, check out my FREE resource kit of simple, effective workout routines that will keep you prepared and on track to being committed and consistent to yourself. So don’t delay, download and press play and just start, because we all have to start somewhere.