To fashionably fete??? …that is the question.
Some do you may know and some of you don’t …so for the ill-informed
a FETE (feyt, fet), a noun defined as a
1. A day of celebration; holiday
2. A festive celebration or entertainment
Aka a party, bashment, rave, clubbing, bar-hopping etc etc the list goes on.
Feting is not for the weak, the proud, the prude…but that’s another post for another day.
While I love to Fete I also love fashion … so while bored at work I came up with a way to combine a few tips or ways to stay cute while having the time of your life. More to come on that topic as well…
It is Feting season and less than 5 weeks to go to Miami carnival so while scouting prospective fetes I’ve been on the look out for fete attire that’s cute, fun and functional.
Love this color combination!
I never buy whole outfits. I tend to purchase whatever draws me in (the price as well as the garment) whether I have shoes or earrings to match; for me I’ll make it work.
Wedges: Ebay ($18.00)
Accessories: NastyGal & H&M
One of my “guidelines” for the girls that can’t leave their heels at home or never take off their shoes…wedges or heels with a thicker heel are definitely way more comfortable and palance-worthy plus the make the gams look great and add on a couple more inches (in my case).
Pink Palm Leaf Crop Top : Asos ($14.00)
Skort: Ark & Co (Thrift Store $22.00)
Love this skort. Gives a feminine feel as well as the ability to “Ben up” in a party without revealing unmentionables. That’s what I call functional fashion.
These colors and combo of a skort x crop top have me “feelin ah feel in”particularly for a breakfast party where the sunrise comes up and compliments this color combo or even an all-day inclusive fete where I can feel a little dressed up but still feel ready for the bacchanal.
Check out my favorite carnival tune (for right now):
Where would you wear this combo? Are you going to any carnivals this year? Feel free to comment below and share share share!
Because sharing is caring,