Best Social Media Apps To Elevate Your Content & Grow On Social Media

Best Social Media Apps To Elevate Your Content & Grow On Social Media

The other day was my blogaversary (8 years old!) so I went on IG stories to talk about my journey a bit and answer some questions about social media apps, blogging, content creation, growing a following, and finding your tribe which you can watch in my Blog Tips highlight here. In this blog post, I will elaborate some more on the best social media apps (or the apps I use) to elevate your content and grow on social media.


A Review of Notting Hill Carnival | Carnival in London

A Review of Notting Hill Carnival | Carnival in London

Whooooo this review has been a long time comingggggg. Last year around this time, I decided to visit London for Notting Hill Carnival 2019. I had been putting it off for a while but finally FINALLY bit the bullet. Bare with me but I’m going to go in chronological order from band launch to the actual road experience.

My Favorite Stores To Shop (And Window Shop) For Cute Activewear

My Favorite Stores To Shop (And Window Shop) For Cute Activewear

My motivation to work out is usually a carnival costume and/or cute activewear. Honestly, I love feeling good but its an added plus when you look good working out as well. Sharing today some of my favorite stores to shop (and window shop) for clothes to work out in.

Why and How Consistency is Stretchhhhhhhhhing Me As A Creator

Why and How Consistency is Stretchhhhhhhhhing Me As A Creator

I think this is the most “stretttttttcccccchedddd” I’ve felt as a creator and blogger is probably right now.