My Must-Have Work Out Essentials While Stuck In Quarantine

My Must-Have Work Out Essentials While Stuck In Quarantine

Working out in quarantine can get well a little redundant. You almost ALWAYS have to be creative especially if you do not have access to a gym. Besides workouts, equipment is another story so I wanted to share some work out essentials that have been really helpful.

The Best Virtual Soca Fitness Classes and Where To Find Them Online

The Best Virtual Soca Fitness Classes and Where To Find Them Online

So…right… there’s no carnival for 2020? Next best thing (maybe)…. VIRTUAL. SOCA. FITNESS. CLASSES.

9 Caribbean LifeStyle Youtubers I’ve Been Binging During Quarantine

9 Caribbean LifeStyle Youtubers I’ve Been Binging During Quarantine

Coronavirus has left me homesick for the Bahamas and the Caribbean. So I’ve been doing my best to stock up on as much Caribbean content as I can. Here are 9 Caribbean Lifestyle Youtubers I’ve been binging during quarantine to keep the “home-sickness” at bay.

Still Working Out At Home? 5 At Home Workouts Perfect For Quarantine

Still Working Out At Home? 5 At Home Workouts Perfect For Quarantine

Are at-home workouts during quarantine still a thing? I know everywhere seems to be opening up including gyms and fitness centers. Sticking to a routine has helped a lot with my mental and physical wellness ESPECIALLY while riding it out in my apartment during quarantine. If I’m being honest, I’ve only ventured to my complex gym about one time but that was before Florida numbers started to sky rocket. If you choose to go to a gym or workout in your home – here’s 5 At Home Work Outs You Can Do In Quarantine that require minimal to no equipment and can be done literally anywhere.