Monday Blues? How to Maxi-mize Your Weekend

Monday Blues? How to Maxi-mize Your Weekend

  Can I have my weekend back? there’s nothing like watching Friday turn into Saturday and then it’s Sunday and you’re like what happened to my weekend…

Bye Bye Summer + Hello Fall

Bye Bye Summer + Hello Fall

A tearful good bye to summer (literally, tears) and a sweet hello to fall means change. A time to adjust or readjust for whatever life throws…

Single? 3 Ways to Stand Out During Wedding Season.

Single? 3 Ways to Stand Out During Wedding Season.

It’s always around this time of year around August-September when summertime is at its peak, schools start back for the year and everyone …I mean everyone…

UnCover Your Caribbean with Me! 

UnCover Your Caribbean with Me! 

   If anyone knows me personally; they would know that I am ecstatic from my toes to the very hairs on my head right now!  I…