Military Parka (old) || Burlington Coat Factory || find similar here. Or cheaper version on Poshmark here. Or great deal here at Kohl’s. Or for the people who love a unique find… this men’s half sleeve parka is the business.
Laced Up Booties || Zara || find it here. Or find cheaper version here.
Lurex Crew Socks || DSW || find it here.
Black Liquorice Diamond Stockings (limited) || Carnivalista || find similar here. (Use BAHAMIANISTA for 10% off your entire purchase)
Circle or Infinity Scarf || (old) || find similar here and here.
Happy holidays everyone! Here’s a little bit of winter time style. In all honesty, my Christmas outfit is under this military parka but I got so many compliments on the outerwear I just decided to post.
I decided to be adventurous and style these Diamond Liquorice Carnivalista tights (limited edition) with green lurex socks and laced up booties. I had all kind of plans to make it to the New York City holiday markets, find the perfect background and shiver in the cold sans coat and scarf for the perfect photo. But life happened and that didn’t happen. *shrugs*
Can we talk about how important it is to live in the moment as well? Who else is guilty of always being on their phone and not being fully present and actually taking the time to enjoy things? Lately, I tend to be so preoccupied pre planning events, photos, outfits that there is hardly any room left to just breathe and “be”. In fact it affected my consistency overall as a blogger– just overthinking and not doing enough because I had this preconceived notion of what a “style post” should look like. That’s why one of my new year’s resolutions is actually to just “breathe and be”.
In a recent YouTube video, I talked about how I wanted to be more authentic with blogging, vlogging and style blogging in general so in my mind that meant more “living in the moment” and leaving things to chance rather than having a pre-packaged plan.
So, in all honesty I’ve just become more intentional with being who I am “style-wise” and being ok with the “not-so-perfect moments”. I also realized that my style posts will never look like the next style blogger and that authenticity is really what you make it. With that said, I’m less focused on making a pretty picture and more focused on intentionally living and documenting (if that makes sense); whether I get the just-right photo or not.
What are your New Year’s resolutions? What are you looking to change?
Let me know in the comments below.
May your Christmas be merry and bright– and wishing you the happiest and most intentional of New Years.

December 25, 2017Merry Christmas to you! So happy to see a new style post!
December 25, 2017Thank you Mich for checking it out!! I promise more to come!