If you’re headed to Jamaica carnival for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or even 5th time, where to fete for Jamaica carnival is definitely a question a lot of people ask whether you’re a first timer or seasoned carnival-goer. The last time I went was in 2015 (see recap here) and it was AMAZING!!! But so much can change in a few years…

Literally trying to figure out a fete list with a lot of promoters dropping new fetes for Jamaica carnival can be a bit overwhelming. To help myself out and you all get organized, here’s a list of where to fete for Jamaica carnival 2018. Check out my 2018 Jamaica carnival adventures on Instagram and the last time I went to Jamaica carnival on Youtube:
**Please note, fetes that are currently selling tickets are highlighted. This is not a recommended list of fetes; just a list for informational purposes and will be updated as more and more fetes are released. Also note, that the dates and times and locations for each fete are subject to change.**
Thursday March 29th, 2018
$$- walk ins- $5,000 JMD
Xodus Family-$10,000 JMD
Car Pass-$12,000 JMD
Bus Pass- $15,000 JMD
Tickets available through xoduscarnival and wild gooseTT ambassadors and at Xodus Show Room/Pita Grill/Ribbiz/Candy Craze/Ping Lickz
-coolers & grills allowed
Location: National Stadium Car Park
Friday March 30th, 2018
UberSoca Series (party series)
Gates open at 11:00am
1,000 JMD before 1am
UWI students 1,000 JMD all night
Location: 100 Hope Road, Kingston Jamaica
Saturday March 31st, 2018
Frenchmen Rise Up Breakfast Beach Party
$$- tickets start at $80USD
Request tickets here.
Location: Pearly Beach, Ocho Rios
Gold Passport (Blocko and Bazodee) J$17,500 / US$140
Platinum Passport (Rise Up, Blocko and Bazodee) J$27,500 / US$220
Location: Grizzly’s Plantation Cove
$$-tickets starting at $8,000 JMD/62.92 USD (approximately)
DayBreak (breakfast inclusive party)
$$-tickets starting at $35.00 USD
Location: The Lawns, Sabina Park, Kingston JA
Sunday April 1st, 2018
Marbana (food and drinks inclusive)
$$- tickets start at $82.00
Location: Frenchman’s Cove, Port Antonio, Jamaica
Green Circle Crew & Event Life JA joins forces with party crews, Nuh Dutty Up Jamaica & NEPA to combat marine litter at Gun Boat/Buccaneer Beach.
“After we clean up, we pump. DJ’s and guest artists will be on board as we cruise back to the capital having completed our noble task.”
Email [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.
DayDreams Sunset Bliss (all inclusive)
$$- tickets starting at 32 USD
Starts at 2pm
Location: Grizzlies Plantation Cove, St. Ann, Jamaica
Sun Rum Fun (catamaran Cruise)
Boards 12:15pm, 1-4pm
Drinks inclusive.
$$-tickets starting at $50 USD
Location: Cool Runnings, Ocho Rios
More info for tickets and Sun Rum Fun ambassador list here.
drinks inclusive
$$-tickets start at 50.00 USD for males and females
$$-tickets starting at 45 USD
Location: Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Monday April 2nd, 2018
Ocho Rios Carnival & Road March (more info here)
purchase tickets here –allows entry, food & drinks to fete
starts at 10am April 2nd
Costumes starting at $270. Tickets for entry $30 USD
Register via WhatsApp 876-788-0442 or online as website is updated.
Location: Turtle River Park
3pm -11pm
$$- tickets starting at $1500JMD/$13.89
Location: Bay Beach, Ocho Rios
Dusk (music festival)
5:00pm -10:00pm
$$- FEMALE earlybird tickets starting at $35.00 /general admission starting at $50.00
Location: Waterfront, Downtown Kingston.
More info here
Tuesday April 3rd, 2018
Get on the list here.
Every Tuesday starting January 30th,2018
Heineken inclusive, fully premium bar
$$2000 JMD females/2500 males
$$3000 JMD after 10pm or unlisted
Location: Constant Spring Golf Club
$-2000 JMD with invitation, $2500JMD without // Or 25 USD on eventbrite.
Location: 52 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston Jamaica
Wednesday April 4th, 2018
Buy tickets directly here.
Location: Sabina Park
$$-tickets start at $25.00
$$- tickets starting at $25 USD
Location: Royal Jamaica Yacht Club
Caribbean Maritime Institute Road
Palisadoes Park
Thursday April 5th, 2018
Jam Nation(carnival breakfast Jouvert party)
$$- tickets starting at males ($30, VIP $50)/females ($25, VIP $45)
Location: Fort Clarence Beach (10 minutes from Kingston)
Silent Morning Jamaica(cooler cruise)
10am – 3pm
$$-tickets starting at $44 USD
Location: Treasure Queen
Treasure Queen- Ocean Boulevard opposite Digicel Building
12 Ocean Boulevard Kingston Mall
Kingston JM
Big Phat Chill (Its Cooler In Jamaica/cooler fete)
$$-tickets start at $28.00 (ladies), $32.00 (gents)
Location: Hope Zoo
Afloat (drinks and a meal inclusive)
***SOLD OUT***
$$-ladies 90/men 105
Location: Caribbean Queen 3b Port Royal Street, Kingston, Kingston Parish Jamaica
Tribe Ignite Jamaica (drinks inclusive)
$$- tickets start at $45 USD for Xaymaca masqueraders $60 USD for general
You need an islandetickets.com account to request tickets.
Location: Sabina Park
Request tickets here.
$$-tickets start at $60USD
Location: 7 Braywick Road, Jacks Hill
Soca RoadBlock Kingston
Gold Passport (Blocko and Bazodee) J$17,500 / US$140
Platinum Passport (Rise Up, Blocko and Bazodee) J$27,500 / US$220
$$-tickets starting at $100 USD
Location: Loose Cannon Tours Dock , Port Royal, JA
Friday April 6th, 2018
Suave- The Silent Soca AfterParty
$$-tickets starting at $15 USD.
feat DJ Stephen
3 channels- USA/Trini/Jamaica
Location: 100 Hope Road, Kingston JA
Roast Mi Gras (Jouvert cooler cruise)
$$-females start at $40usd, males $45usd
Step 1 :purchase ticket here.
Step 2: register for your Jouvert package here.
Location: Treasure Queen, Downtown Kingston JA
Back 2 Blue (cooler breakfast party)
Breakfast inclusive
$$-tickets starting at $40 USD
*Need islandetickets.com account to request tickets*
Location: Hope Gardens, Kingston JA
Hookie Jamaica (pool party with complimentary breakfast)
$$-tickets starting at $30 USD
Location: Constant Spring Golf & Country Club
MEDZ JA (boat and land fete-all inclusive)
Boat 8am-12pm/Land 11am-4pm
$$- female 70+ / male 70+
Location TBA
Medz Ja Dock Party(rum/beer inclusive- surprise artists)
$$- tickets starting at $30 USD
** dock party only– not to be confused with boat ride**
Candy Coated Cruise (all inclusive)
Aboard Treasure Queen
$$-tickets starting at $85.00
Soca Brainwash Jamaica (drinks inclusive)
$$-tickets starting at 95 USD
Location: Mona Hockey Field
Scorch Duck Work (cooler fete)
$$-tickets starting at $40USD
**You need an islandetickets.com account to request tickets**
Location: Hope Gardens, Kingston JA
10pm- Morning
$$-earlybird tickets starting at $2,000 JMD
Location: Bacchanal Jamaica mas camp
UberSoca Series (party series)
Gates open at 11:00am
1,000 JMD before 1am
UWI students 1,000 JMD all night
Location: 100 Hope Road, Kingston Jamaica
SOAKA Jamaica (Street Festival)
**click link to request tickets**– you need an Island ETickets account
Starting at 11pm —
$$-40 female /45 male
Location – TBA
FLING -Bikini Cooler Pool Party
$$-tickets starting at $40 for women, $50 for men
Location: New Kingston
Kingston, St. Andrew Parish
Saturday April 7th, 2018
**Click link to register for accountand select committee member option**
Packages starting at $95.00 USD
Location: Kingston
Sunrise Breakfast Party(food/drinks inclusive)
$$-tickets ranging from $105.00 (early bird) to $160.00 (unisex)
Limited early bird PHYSICAL tickets available at Pita Grill and Xaymaca Ambassadors
Contact an ambassador (IG):
Mark Lalor @marklalor
Marlon Campbell @marlonmusique
Lauren Tenn @dreaming.of.laur
Bianca Hernould @bhernould
Chanel DaCosta@chandacosta
Zimi Tickets @zimijohmmy
Kevin Henry @mrkevinhenry
Leah Singh @leah.nina
Kevin Walker @drwalks
Natalie Murray @sunqueen.jm
Location: Constant Spring Golf Course
Suits Jamaica (Cooler Boat Ride)
*****SOLD OUT******
4pm -9pm (boards at 4pm/sails at 5pm)
$$-ladies 35/men 40
Location/Boat: Treasure Queen-Kingson Jetty, Kingston Jamaica
Sunkissed (beach fete & catamaran cruise)
*****SOLD OUT******
Email [email protected] with subject: NEW PATRON
$$- tickets start at $140 USD
1 ticket per person maximum, invoice will be emailed
The PM Fete (drinks inclusive -wear costume/Mondaywear)
$$-tickets start at $40 USD
**you need an Island Etickets account to request tickets**
Location: Hope Gardens
As per website, premium drink inclusive
Frenchmen Bazodee
$$-tickets starting at $80 USD
Request tickets here.
Location: 6 Melwood Dr., Cherry Garden
Gold Passport (Blocko and Bazodee) J$17,500 / US$140
Platinum Passport (Rise Up, Blocko and Bazodee) J$27,500 / US$220
Sunday April 8th, 2018
Xodus Wine Down(drinks inclusive)
$$-revellers free before 7:30pm
Location: 36 Hope Road, Kingston JA
Big Wall Party(city of lights)
Location: BIG WALL
West Kings House Road
Kingston, St. Andrew Parish
$$-tickets starting at $25.00
Monday April 9th, 2018
Xaymaca Cool Down/Beach Lyme(bring coolers)
Free for Xaymaca masqueraders with wristband
$$25 USD – without wristband
Location: Fort Clarence Beach
$$-30 USD | 15 USD w/ carnival wristband
Location: Royal Jamaica Yacht Club
Let me know in the comments below–are you going this year? Any more suggestions on where to fete for Jamaica carnival 2018? Make sure you bookmark this page (& subscribe) to check for updates as we count down the days for carnival in Jamaica.
Happy planning,

January 25, 2018I will be attending as well.
Thanks so much for the information, have it bookmarked for future updates.
January 25, 2018Yayyyyy awesome Jamaal! Thanks for checking it out!
January 29, 2018Thank for this information. It has been very helpful! My friends and I will be attending Carnival this year!
January 30, 2018Absolutely Bella! No problem! You will definitely have a time!
michelle penny
March 18, 2018How do I purchase tickets for the cool down fete on the 9th
March 19, 2018Hey Michelle, you’ll have to pay for tickets at the gate on the day of the cool down Lyme.
michelle penny
March 19, 2018Thank you
July 29, 2018About when does the tix for Road go on sale for the next year? We have a resort already but I think we arrive too late for any fetes. We booked for April 26-29. Suggestions? Since ur a pro at this and this will be my first
July 30, 2018Hey Leilah, you will definitely be able to go to fetes with those dates— tickets will probably go on sale starting around October (end of the month)— band launches typically take place around November or so.
Fetes that you all can go to around those dates are Sunrise Breakfast Party, Soaka, Medz, Candy Coated Cruise and a whole lot more. I’ll do another where to Fete for Jamaica carnival list when the time arises so definitely subscribe and stay tuned! Thanks for reading!
July 29, 2018Also, does the costume matter? I heard the feathers mean sthing and since I’m not a native (I’m from Chicago) Idw to offend anyone if I wear the wrong thing. How do I get to march in the Road fetes, just but tix?