Happy holidays & happy Vlogmas!
Just wanted to sneak over here to the blog to say hello and let you all know what I’ve been up to this holiday season.
Now a lot of you probably don’t know what Vlogmas is but it’s literally a challenge for Youtubers/vloggers to share a vlog daily for whatever time period they choose (I’m vlogging up to Christmas Eve *wish me luck*) . It’s a great way to get a Youtube channel started or start a goal of consistently posting content. There’s no concrete rules on how to do it but it’s a great way to share your everyday life, struggles or answer questions, comments anyone may have. Let’s cut to the chase, here’s my first week of Vlogmas so far:
Day 1 & 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Other Videos
Here’s a few other reviews, tutorials I’ve been working on. Subscribe to my Youtube channel here.
Get 10% off any Reshma Beauty product with my affiliate code: Bahamianista
Sign up for the LIT & FIT GYM for fitness courses you can do anywhere, anytime especially if you have a busy schedule.
So that’s my first week of VLOGMAS, let me know what you think or watch the videos and comment. Don’t forget to subscribe!
Also, let me know if there’s anything specific you want me to blog about.
Happy holidays!