“My name is Crista and I’m a blogger!”
My mind is constantly running rampant around this statement; I just defined myself as someone with little to no experience, no degree, no credentials (except my ever-growing body of pictures and words) and I WANT persons–an audience–followers–family–fans?–someone to appreciate my ART. Somedays, I want to quit, somedays I wonder if I’m doing this right, but everyday there is this overwhelming urge to follow my dreams and that desperation has kept me going for (on and off) 2+ years of being a blogger. I’ve done things I’ve never thought I would even think about doing all to put on a “brave face” to build a brand—no a blog—um my personal platform?— Yes all of the above.
This post is dedicated to all bloggers/DREAMERSout there that want and will work towards pursuing their dreams. This is my best attempt at explaining the why’s and why nots of why I decided to become a blogger.
1. Writing is my best form of self-expression.
-At one point in my young life, I had severe verbal diarrhea. I just remember a sequence of events that taught me to “keep my mouth shut” when I was growing up although everything I had to say I thought was true. It sent a 1-2 punch to my self-esteem, so I often come off as quiet or shy. I often downplayed my personality because I wanted people to like me or I wanted to get along with others a little better, but what I really thought always kept me avoiding certain situations where I needed to speak up. I chose to write or draw to let the extra pent up energy out and soon I started writing my feelings down in poetic form. I realized I was pretty good at describing things and writing down what I thought versus saying it. I had found my “gift”.
2. I’ve grown up around media…period.
-My dad is a radio personality. Growing up, I learned about media (radio, tv) because I was surrounded by it for the beginning part of my life. I learned that you could shape your art in any form that you wanted it to be. I learned through watching him and listening to music and listening to other artistic greats that you could do anything you put your mind to. I played around with music, making mini home movies with Bob Marley or Spice Girl soundtracks, interned at advertising agencies and just loved getting into that creative flow and environment. My sister is a photographer, so being around her I’ve always had an interest in making things look a certain way or looking at things at different angles and just really wanting to tell a story…
3. I want to tell a story.
-I think because I suppressed my feelings so much; I was driven to get them out somehow. Real situations, heartbreaks, heartaches, milestones, life changes turned into rhythmic poetic lines of emotion. I eventually learned to use my voice a little more, because I realized I had something to say.
4. Someone is always going to be prettier, more popular, more interesting BUT they will never be YOU.
-My life was and still is full of comparisons. Some days I felt less than; most days I compared myself to others. I think being in my late 20’s has taught me a lot and taught me the most important lesson to date: Your life is your responsibility, not anyone else’s. No one breathes for you, no one puts on your socks or pays your bills (unless you got it like that)…simply put…no one can live for you BUT YOU.
5. Life is short.
-I feel like we are all reminded everyday how life is tick ticking by. I’ve definitely experienced loss and see it everyday in the news headlines and I don’t want to go through this life without fulfilling my purpose…whatever that is (still figuring it out).
6. If you don’t do it, somebody else will.
-You ever sit on an idea for so long thinking you have time to do it and then you turn around and somebody else totally does exactly what you were “planning” on doing? Sucks, right! Be proactive about your ideas. They may not work out and then again maybe they will; but don’t let them work out for somebody else.
7. Not everyone will like what you’re doing; but there are plenty more who will.
-Since I started getting serious about this thing; you definitely realize who’s for you and who couldn’t care less. You know what, that’s ok! Not everyone is equipped or will get on this ride withyou. Be grateful for the ones that do though. One thing for sure I’ve learned that “faith” (no not confidence) –FAITH–will keep you afloat, because there will be days where you’re feeling like straight up doo-doo.
8. You cannot settle with “just be grateful”.
-My cousin Garvin expressed it best; you cannot settle for “just be grateful”. I have a career, a roof over my head, decent car, decent life–I should be grateful. I am, don’t get me wrong but amI happy? Am I fulfilled? Can I die knowing I gave everything to fulfilling my purpose and dreams etc.
“If you want to “just be grateful” about something be grateful God is real and that if you trust in Him anything and everything is possible. EXPECT MORE FOR YOURSELF AND LIVE FOR YOUR HAPPINESS” -Garvin Hall
Like I said, Garvin said it best.
9. Life is art in abundance. Every day is a blank page waiting to be written.
-Every day we get is a new chance. A new opportunity to conquer a fear, explore a new place, meet someone new, learn something new…God has been so good to us as human beings and we take this wonderful incredible fact that we get a brand new slate every day for granted. Sometimes we need reminders and that’s ok too; but use your days effectively and wisely. Carpe diem!!!
10. God gave us all something special that we INDIVIDUALLY do and are meant to share with others.
-I don’t care what anyone has told you in your lifetime. You have a talent and whatever that is (and it can be anything); you are meant to share it and bless someone’s life with it. I am blessed everyday by the people around me because they have such unique gifts. I think Myles Munroe said it best “No matter how big the world is, there’s a place for you in it when you discover and manifest your gift.”
This was a long read (hehe), but you made it!!! Haha and I wrote it!!! Talk about transparency (phew)….truthfully, I just had a lot on my chest and this was the best way of getting it all out. If you identify with any of the “whys and why-nots”, feel free to leave your opinion or comment. It is welcomed and received in advance. Extending sincere thanks and gratitude for again supporting my ART.
Appreciate you,
Crista S. aka Bahamianista

December 20, 2014This is an awesome read.
I think I too have fallen and settled for the “just be grateful”, and not have been fulfilling my passion. Life is too short to not try, or even have fun along the way while trying 🙂
Thank you for sharing
December 20, 2014No problem Dora! Thank you for reading! Appreciate it!
December 23, 2014This was truly inspiring and eye opening, this life is meant to be lived and we should all let our talents and gifts shine. #letyourgiftshine… Awesome post ;
December 23, 2014Hey Wenzel!!! Thank you for reading! Yes I agree we all need to get up and pursue our gifts. One life to live!
September 21, 2015Looooove your locks here!!!!
September 22, 2015Thanks Michelle! I’m trying to grow them back!
April 23, 2016Thank you Perrisha for checking it out! 🙂